Blog Technisches Design

Neue Literatur im Handapparat

Forschung · Studium · TU Dresden · 6. Juni 2017 · Tina Bobbe ·
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Zwei neue Bücher zum Thema Designmethoden stehen frisch in unserem Handapparat. Unsere Literaturkollektion im Bereich Methoden ist damit erstmal komplett.

Research Methods for Product Design
Alex Milton & Paul Rogers

Überraschend informativ und praxisorientiert! Neben den Methodenbeschreibungen gibt es immer wieder Case Studies aus der Praxis und Tutorials, wie „How to conduct great interviews“.

„This book provides the reader with a comprehensive, relevant, and visually rich insight into the world of research methods specifically aimed at product designers. It includes practical case studies and tutorials that will inform, inspire, and help you to conduct product design research better.
Product designers need a comprehensive understanding of research methods as their day-to-day work routinely involves them observing people, asking questions, searching for information, making and testing ideas, and ultimately generating ’solutions‘ to ‚problems‘. Manifest in the design process is the act of research. Huge technological advances in information, computing, and manufacturing processes also offer enormous opportunities to product designers such as the development of „intelligent“ products and services, but at the same time raise important research questions that need to be dealt with. Product designers are, in many ways, best placed to address these challenges because of the manner in which they apply their design thinking to problems.“

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101 Design Methods – A Structured Approach for Driving Innovation in Your Organization
Vijay Kumar

Aufgrund der Vielzahl von Methoden (101) findet man hier auch unbekanntere/exotischere Methoden. Interessant ist auch das eigens entwickelte Designmodell, auf dessen Phasen die Methoden gemappt werden (Sense intent, know context, know people, frame insights, explore concepts, frame solutions, realize offerings; verteilt in vier Quadranten bestehend aus RESEARCH, ANALYSIS, SYNTHESIS und REALIZATION)

„Unlike other books on the subject, 101 Design Methods approaches the practice of creating new products, services, and customer experiences as a science, rather than an art, providing a practical set of collaborative tools and methods for planning and defining successful new offerings. Strategists, managers, designers, and researchers who undertake the challenge of innovation, despite a lack of established procedures and a high risk of failure, will find this an invaluable resource. Novices can learn from it; managers can plan with it; and practitioners of innovation can improve the quality of their work by referring to it.“

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