Blog Technisches Design

First Ever European Design Day October 1 2009

Extern · 1. Oktober 2009 · jens.krzy ·
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tja leider hatten wir auch schon den internationalen Tag des Designs fast verpasst und auch heute wird es nur noch eine Kurzmeldung. Also nächstes Jahr am 1. Oktober wieder reinschauen — dann machen auch wir mit, versprochen.

The Design Council has welcomed the first European Design Day – October 1, 2009, organised by the Bureau of European Design Associations (BEDA), and is calling on European nations to work more closely together to improve, harmonise and share information on their design industries.

The aim of the European Design Day is to highlight the important role of design in driving innovation in European business, and to campaign for the inclusion of design in the European Commission’s innovation agenda and policy-making.

The key to this will be more collaboration on research projects that can help inform policy making and ultimately boost investment in design.Governments around the world are increasingly turning to creativity and innovation to help renew economic growth.Design has a major role to play in these efforts – and countries who measure their design capabilities will be able to develop the policies that best support creativity.

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